Output Files

This chapter will introduces the directory structure of output files and how to control the output directory of different types of files.

Default Directory Structure

The following is a basic directory for output files. By default, the compiled files will be output in the dist directory of current project.

├── static
│   ├── css
│   │   ├── [name].[hash].css
│   │   └── [name].[hash].css.map
│   │
│   └── js
│       ├── [name].[hash].js
│       ├── [name].[hash].js.LICENSE.txt
│       └── [name].[hash].js.map
└── [name].html

The most common output files are HTML files, JS files, and CSS files:

  • HTML files: default output to the root of dist directory.
  • JS files: default output to static/js directory,
  • CSS files: default output to the static/css directory.

In addition, JS files and CSS files sometimes generate some related files:

  • License files: contains open source license, which is output to the same level directory of the JS file, and adds .LICENSE.txt suffix.
  • Source Map files: contains the source code mappings, which is output to the same level directory of JS files and CSS files, and adds a .map suffix.

In the filename, [name] represents the entry name corresponding to this file, such as index, main. [hash] is the hash value generated based on the content of the file.

Modify the Directory

Rsbuild provides some configs to modify the directory or filename, you can:

Static Assets

When you import static assets such as images, SVG, fonts, media, etc. in the code, they will also be output to the dist/static directory, and automatically assigned to the corresponding subdirectories according to the file type:

└── static
    ├── image
    │   └── foo.[hash].png
    ├── svg
    │   └── bar.[hash].svg
    ├── font
    │   └── baz.[hash].woff2
    └── media
        └── qux.[hash].mp4

You can use the output.distPath config to uniformly input these static assets into a directory, for example, output to the assets directory:

export default {
  output: {
    distPath: {
      image: 'assets',
      svg: 'assets',
      font: 'assets',
      media: 'assets',

The above config produces the following directory structure:

└── assets
    ├── foo.[hash].png
    ├── bar.[hash].svg
    ├── baz.[hash].woff2
    └── qux.[hash].mp4

Node.js Output Directory

When the Build Target of Rsbuild contains 'node', or you have enabled server-side features such as SSR in the higher level solutions, Rsbuild will generate some output files for Node.js and output them to the bundles directory:

├── bundles
│   └── [name].js
├── static
└── [name].html

Node.js files usually only contain JS files, no HTML or CSS. Also, JS file names will not contain hash.

You can modify the output path of Node.js files through the output.distPath.server config.

For example, output Node.js files to the server directory:

export default {
  output: {
    distPath: {
      server: 'server',

Flatten the Directory

Sometimes you don't want the dist directory to have too many levels, you can set the directory to an empty string to flatten the generated directory.

See the example below:

export default {
  output: {
    distPath: {
      js: '',
      css: '',

The above config produces the following directory structure:

├── [name].[hash].css
├── [name].[hash].css.map
├── [name].[hash].js
├── [name].[hash].js.map
└── [name].html

Not Written to Disk

By default, Rsbuild will write the generated files to disk, so developers can view the file content or configure proxy rules for static assets.

In development, you can choose to keep the generated files in the Dev Server's memory to reduce the overhead of file operations.

Just set the dev.writeToDisk config to false:

export default {
  dev: {
    writeToDisk: false,