Rsbuild comes with a lightweight CLI that includes commands such as dev and build.


rsbuild dev

The rsbuild dev command is used to start a local development server and compile the source code in the development environment.

Usage: rsbuild dev [options]

  --open                open the page in browser on startup
  -h, --help            display help for command

rsbuild build

The rsbuild build command will build the outputs for production in the dist/ directory by default.

Usage: rsbuild build [options]

  -h, --help            display help for command

rsbuild preview

The rsbuild preview command is used to preview the production build outputs locally. Note that you need to execute the rsbuild build command beforehand to generate the corresponding outputs.

Usage: rsbuild preview [options]

  -h, --help            display help for command

rsbuild inspect

The rsbuild inspect command is used to view the Rsbuild config and Rspack config of the project.

Usage: rsbuild inspect [options]

  --env <env>           view the configuration in the target environment (default: "development")
  --output <output>     Specify the path to output in the dist (default: "/")
  --verbose             Show the full function in the result
  -c --config <config>  specify the configuration file, which can be a relative or absolute path
  -h, --help            show command help

When you run the command npx rsbuild inspect in the project root directory, the following files will be generated in the dist directory of the project:

  • rsbuild.config.js: Represents the Rsbuild configuration used during the build.
  • rspack.config.web.js: Represents the Rspack configuration used during the build.
➜ npx rsbuild inspect

Inspect config succeed, open following files to view the content:

  - Rsbuild Config: /project/dist/rsbuild.config.js
  - Rspack Config (web): /project/dist/rspack.config.web.js

Specifying Environment

By default, the inspect command outputs the configuration for the development environment. You can add the --env production option to output the configuration for the production environment:

rsbuild inspect --env production

Verbose content

By default, the inspect command omits the content of functions in the configuration object. You can add the --verbose option to output the complete content of functions:

rsbuild inspect --verbose

Multiple Targets

If the current project has multiple build targets, such as building browser artifact and Node.js artifact simultaneously, multiple Rspack configuration files will be generated in the dist directory.

➜ npx rsbuild inspect

Inspect config succeed, open following files to view the content:

  - Rsbuild Config: /project/dist/rsbuild.config.js
  - Rspack Config (web): /project/dist/rspack.config.web.js
  - Rspack Config (node): /project/dist/rspack.config.node.js