CSS Minimizer Plugin

The Rsbuild by default uses the SWC built-in by Rspack to minify CSS code. You can customize the CSS minimizer by using the CSS Minimizer plugin and switch to cssnano or other tools for CSS minification.

The CSS Minimizer plugin internally integrates css-minimizer-webpack-plugin.

About cssnano

cssnano is a tool for optimizing and minifying CSS files. It reduces the size of CSS files by removing unused rules, merging similar rules, removing comments and whitespace, and converting length units, among other techniques, to improve the loading speed of websites.

Quick Start

Install Plugin

You can install the plugin using the following command:

npm install @rsbuild/plugin-css-minimizer -D

Register Plugin

You can register the plugin in the rsbuild.config.ts file:

import { pluginCssMinimizer } from '@rsbuild/plugin-css-minimizer';

export default {
  plugins: [pluginCssMinimizer()],



Used to customize the options of css-minimizer-webpack-plugin.

The value of pluginOptions will be merged with the default options inside the plugin using Object.assign and then passed to the css-minimizer-webpack-plugin. You can refer to the README documentation of css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to explore all available options.

  • Type: Object | Function | undefined
  • Default:
const defaultOptions = {
  minimizerOptions: {
    preset: [
        mergeLonghand: false,
  • Example 1: modify the preset configuration of cssnano.
  pluginOptions: {
    minimizerOptions: {
      preset: require.resolve('cssnano-preset-simple'),
  • Example 2: pass a function to modify the default options.
  pluginOptions: (options) => {
    options.minimizerOptions = {
      preset: require.resolve('cssnano-preset-simple'),